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Calcium Counts was founded by Jessica North, formerly Director of the Australian Research Institute for Environment and Sustainability at Macquarie University. Jessica founded and remains an advisor on the award-winning Habitat Stepping Stones program, which showcases native plants for gardens that help local wildlife. She has also spent several years researching some of the remarkable women of colonial Sydney and has written books about two of them (published by Allen & Unwin) - Esther: The extraordinary story of the First Fleet girl who became First Lady of the colony and Mary Ann & Captain Piper: The remarkable true story of the convicts' daughter who became the toast of colonial Sydney.

About Calcium Counts

After a routine scan, Jessica was dismayed to discover that her bone density was so low. She knew she needed to increase her calcium intake, but didn’t want to gain weight at the same time. So she began researching the foods that provide the most calcium for the fewest calories.


Because so many people wanted to know the same thing, Jessica decided to make her findings available to everyone.

Bread & Cheese

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